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Yoga to Stimulate the Vagus Nerve: Less Stress and Anxiety | L'Aquila Active

The vagus nerve has received quite a bit of attention in recent years – and for a good reason. Science has discovered all the amazing things that this nerve, the longest nerve in our body, can do for our mental, emotional and physical health. Let’s look into how to stimulate the vagus nerve with yoga for our optimal health and well-being. The vagus nerve (cranial nerve X) is the largest nerve in the body. It is in charge of sending signals from the brain to the body and from the body to the brai...

Sex and the Breath. Exercises to Last Longer and Enjoy More | L'Aquila Active

Sexuality is a big topic nowadays. Many people experience all sorts of blockages in this department. And even those who don’t could sure benefit from increasing their sexual pleasure. That’s why for today’s article we decided to look into practical ways we can improve our sex lives through the power of our breath. The relationship between sex and breath is a powerful one:A few weeks ago I attended an online workshop “Breath Secrets: The Breath & Sex’ workshop” by Alchemy of Breath. There were ov...

22 Ways to Get Centered Emotionally and Spiritually | L'Aquila Active

Ever heard anyone say to you ‘get centered?’ I have and I wondered how to do it for a long time. Then I took a course on it and here I am writing to you guys about it. To save you the effort, we present you with a comprehensive list of 10 ways to get centered. And as always, if one way doesn’t work for you, try another instead. You will find your technique. You will need lots of practice though. So, instead of trying them out just once or twice, seeing they work, and dropping the techniques, pra...

Stress and Anxiety on Monday? Learn to Lower It Now | L'Aquila Active

Monday complains to a psychologist: “Nobody likes me!” It’s funny because it’s true. Millions of people worldwide feel like this about Monday. This has been proven by researchers at the University of Vermont Complex Systems Center who analyzed Twitter messages since 2018 for happiness. The Monday stress, the anxiety, the blues… How to deal with it all? Read on. There are several ways to reduce Monday stress and anxiety. As you can see, there are three aspects we will address here: the things you...

Victimhood: Avoiding and Breaking a Victim Mentality Trap | L'Aquila Active

We use the term ‘victim’ to write this article, but I am not a big fan of it. It has a derogatory connotation for those who suffer. The victimhood mindset is a heavy one and I can tell you that because, according to most definitions, I definitely have one. How to get out of the victim mentality trap? Let’s do it together. Solutions come easier when we know we are not alone in this. To avoid and break the victim mentality trap, one first needs to have compassion for oneself. Resource yourself wit...

How to Build Trust: Personal Relationships and Workplace | L'Aquila Active

As I am getting older, there’s less and less people I can call my people. When I was younger I thought that trust was the first thing you give to people. How else can you create great relationships? After many painful lessons, I’ve learned that one should be careful with who they give their trust to. Unfortunately, this has gone to an extreme for many. It’s beneficial for us all to have people we can trust. So, how to go about it? The question of how to build trust in relationship and the workpl...

13 Tips to Replace Negative Self-Talk With Positive | L'Aquila Active

We are neurologically programmed to notice negative events more than positive ones because our brains are wired for detecting danger and negative events. They developed this tendency to protect us. However, this property of our brain ended up doing us more harm than good because that type of life threatening danger the brain scans for rarely exists in the world we live in today. And to make things worse, once you start engaging in negative perception and negative self-talk, it usually sends us o...

Yoga for Creating and Maintaining Personal Boundaries | L'Aquila Active

We’ve received a lot of interest on the question of setting personal boundaries. Apparently, many people are struggling with this. When we were toddlers, saying no was easy – what happened to us? In this article we are looking into practical ways that yoga can help us create and maintain personal boundaries.Yoga is a great tool for anyone looking to create healthy boundaries because it helps us apply what we learn on the mat to real life situations. It teaches us to honor and respect the wisdom...

Silent Meditation: Types, Benefits and How to Do It | L'Aquila Active

In an ideal world, most things we do in our lives would be a meditative practice: cleaning the windows, walking, eating, talking. So the term meditation can be loosely used to mean any activity in which we are fully absorbed, without losing our sense of self. There are many forms of meditation out there, and today we focus on the types of silent meditation. There are many types and benefits of silent meditation techniques. The types we present here are:As for the benefits, it depends on which yo...

Silent Meditation Retreat: What is it? Costs and Benefits | L'Aquila Active

Thinking of going on a silent meditation retreat? It certainly is a powerful experience, one that might change something in you and your life. I’ve been to 2 silent meditation retreats in my life, both 10-day long. And we’ve also interviewed several retreat goers and organizers for this article. We promise you we’ve created the most comprehensive article online about what it is like to go to a silent meditation retreat. So, if this is something that interests you, you’ve come to the right place....

What to Do When Lonely: Coping With Meditation and Yoga | L'Aquila Active

There is an epidemic of loneliness going around which started way back before Covid-19. And it literally affects millions of people worldwide. So, if there are so many people struggling with the same thing, it surely means it’s not their fault? And that there is nothing wrong with them because the struggle is real. More importantly, there are healthy ways to work through it. Let’s see how yoga and meditation can help those who feel lonely. Yoga and meditation can help those who feel lonely becau...

How to Do Face Yoga: Best Poses and Anti-aging Benefits | L'Aquila Active

Who here doesn’t want their face to look youthful, replenished and glowing? Face yoga is a relatively new holistic approach to youthful skin. Rather than turning to expensive invasive treatments, let’s look into Face Yoga’s anti-aging benefits that cost nothing!Face yoga combines the principles of acupuncture, massage and exercise to give your face that beautiful youthful glow. It:The questionnaire I gave to 30 yoga teachers showed that some of them haven’t even heard of it. 18 said that they in...

Learn Better Communication Skills With Yoga and Meditation | L'Aquila Active

Unless you live in a cottage in the middle of nowhere by yourself, you probably need to communicate with others. And more importantly, you need to be able to communicate well, in a way that is most optimal both for you and those around you. There are quite a bit of challenges there. When to speak and when to listen? How to stand up for yourself and defend your point of view when needed? How to be assertive, and not aggressive, apologetic or passive? Whether it’s at work, with your family, friend...

Is Sound Healing Right for You? Benefits and How to Do It | L'Aquila Active

They say music is the food for the soul. But what’s the effect of sounds which are not organized into music? Most of us have enjoyed the soothing or cheerful sounds of birds chirping or waves splashing against the coast. Is there more to sounds than meets the ear? When it comes to the power of sound, the ancient cultures of Tibet, India, Africa, Australia and South America knew long ago what modern science is only beginning to discover. And what has it discovered about the healing power of sound...

Have Sleep Apnea? Learn Why Meditation Can Help and How! | L'Aquila Active

Sleep apnea is a disorder that affects about 25% of men and about 10% of women. It can affect people at any age, including babies, but is more common among those over 50. This potentially dangerous medical condition can have numerous negative consequences on one’s health and lifestyle. Fortunately, a growing amount of evidence shows that meditation can significantly help reduce sleep apnea symptoms and improve one’s life quality.Meditation helps with sleep apnea because it:Sleep apnea is a condi...

How to Naturally Treat Addiction With Meditation Today | L'Aquila Active

Contrary to popular misconceptions, addictions are not something ‘out there’ among drug users, gamblers, and alcoholics. Addictions are a spectrum, meaning that most of us have it, some less and others more. We can get addicted to anything – the internet, ideas, people, objects, power, physical appearance, even some illusory moments in the future, such as finding our ideal partner or paying off the mortgage. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a natural way to treat our addictions? Luckily, scienc...

Learn the Skill of Healthy Empathy to Open Heart Chakra | L'Aquila Active

“Empathy is a social and emotional skill that helps us feel and understand the emotions, circumstances, intentions, thoughts, and needs of others, such that we can offer sensitive, perceptive, and appropriate communication and support (Karla McLaren “The Art of Empathy). Empathy can help us open our heart chakra.How to open your heart chakra with empathy:In this article on mindful communication we showed you how to get grounded in yourself. And here’s how to stay emotionally and spiritually cent...

Embodied Mindfulness. What Is It and How to Practice It | L'Aquila Active

One of the most common definitions of mindfulness is that it’s paying attention to the present moment non-judgmentally. Indeed, much of what mindfulness teachers advise comes down to sitting with our thoughts and emotions, letting them be, without reactions and judgment. This is the first step to healing, they say. However, traditional mindfulness has certain limitations which many therapists are beginning to recognize. That’s why the need for a new approach called embodied mindfulness is becomi...

How to Open Your Third Chakra and Increase Self-Esteem | L'Aquila Active

If you’ve ever struggled with low self-esteem, you know just how much of an impact it has on all aspects of our lives. Our relationships, jobs, daily satisfaction all become affected by this nagging feeling that we are not good enough. If you’ve tried solving the problem with affirmations, self-help books and therapy and that didn’t help, perhaps it’s time to look into how balancing your third chakra can help you regain your self-esteem.The third chakra is associated with our self-esteem, self-c...

What’s Embodiment? Why It’s Important and How to Use It | L'Aquila Active

If you’ve ever tried self-development and failed at it, embodiment might be the area to look into. Being a self-development writer myself, I have noticed that understanding the concepts behind whatever I am working on is one thing, embodying them is a whole different story. Understanding things intellectually is only half of the work – your body needs to do the other half.Scientists, philosophers, and body-mind therapists now agree that the way we perceive and interact with the world is not the...

Would You Like to Listen Better? Try Mindful Listening. | L'Aquila Active

If you’ve ever tried to truly listen to someone, you might have noticed how difficult it is. When we try to do it, there’s a wide array of obstacles that get in our way: our mood and state of mind, our previous experiences, attitudes, and beliefs about the topic in question, and then there’s our understanding which might not necessarily match what the person is saying. Since mindful listening is so important for any relationship, it’s good to practice it.Mindful listening is a potent skill that...

3 Steps for Practicing Mindful Nonviolent Communication | L'Aquila Active

There is a popular saying: “the single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” Communication is a complex process. Aside from what we say, it involves how we say it and why. The tone, volume, and pace we use, as well as our body language, convey so much about how we feel and what we think of the other person. Listening is no easier. It includes how we listen, why, and if we are listening at all. If you have ever felt misunderstood or had a conflict that didn’...

15 Tantra and Mindfulness-Based Practices for Better Sex | L'Aquila Active

If you feel your sex life could use some spicing up, you don’t need to stand on your head naked or have a threesome – the following tantra and mindfulness-based practices might be the spices you were looking for.Tantra and mindfulness are about discovering pleasure in all that surrounds us — the breath, the touch, the eye contact. They are about being fully present in the moment and feeling pleasure in every part of that moment because the present moment is all that exists. They don’t focus on t...

Science-Backed Yoga Exercises for Premature Ejaculation | L'Aquila Active

In one of our previous articles on how mindfulness and meditation can help premature ejaculation, we wrote about the most common reasons behind PE and how different mindfulness and meditation techniques are proven to help with this problem so common among men. In this post, we present you with science-backed yoga exercises that can delay premature ejaculation. The following yoga positions have proven useful in delaying premature ejaculation:To learn more about the breath and different practices...
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